This month’s A Day In The Life will probably look a little different than usual. Just like most of you, we are staying at home hopefully away from COVID-19. Today it works out well because it’s cold and snowing outside. Come along and see what we’re doing at home on this particular day!

6:00 AM – I get out of bed and get marginally ready. I’m not going anywhere today (obviously) and plan to workout during nap time this afternoon.

6:15 AM – I head downstairs to make coffee and get set-up in the office. Ken has been working at home for the past week, so my ability to do some work in the office has been greatly diminished. One of my only chances to get in there is first thing in the morning like this.

6:45 AM – Everyone else comes downstairs. I help Ken get the kiddos situated with breakfast and head back into the office to wrap up a few things. This includes buying the book “Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right. I’m thinking of trying to potty train Jonathan during this quarantine time at home.

8:00 AM – Ken and I switch places as he gets to work and head out to wrangle the kids for the day. I’m hoping to stay busy today to make staying home more manageable. I head upstairs to convince Clara to get dressed and collect the kid’s laundry.

Clara gets a marble for her class (which leads to fun treats) if I send a picture of her helping throughout the day to her teacher. She is more than willing to help me do the laundry so I can send a picture to her teacher.

8:30 AM – I head back upstairs with Clara to hopefully tackle her dresser and closet. She has so many clothes that no longer fit and we need to thin it out. Plus, I need a better handle on what she needs for the upcoming warmer weather – if anything.

She is relatively helpful with going through her closet, but then chooses to play with her Barbie dream house. Jonathan also came with us and tormented his sister the whole time. LOL

9:30 AM – Back downstairs to get a snack for the kiddos. They eat while I switch the laundry and generally pick up the house.

10:15 AM – I get Clara started on her school packet for the day. While she’s working on that Jonathan and I go to the playroom. He plays while I start reading my book.

11:30 AM – I go to the kitchen to get lunch started. Jonathan and Clara have veggie pasta, watermelon and veggie straws. Ken and I have leftover brats and potatoes.

12:00 PM – Clara’s teacher posted her daily video, so she watches this and finishes her packet for the day.

12:30 PM – Ken heads upstairs to put Jonathan down for his nap. I finish packing up the items from Clara’s closet and dresser clean out.

1:00 PM – I go downstairs to get in some treadmill time. This quarantine business has meant more sitting around and being less active. Ken and I have both tried to stay relatively on top of our working out.

Also, if you haven’t seen it I HIGHLY recommend the show I Am A Killer on Netflix. There are two seasons and on it death row inmates give first hand accounts of their crimes. It also talks to detectives who worked the case, lawyers and others close to the case. It’s really interesting and hooks me in every episode.

2:00 PM – Just as I get upstairs to take a shower Jonathan is sitting up from his nap. Awesome. I quickly get slightly ready and go in to get him. He wants nothing to do with me and Ken is available, so he comes to Jonathan’s rescue.

3:00 PM – Snack time for Jonathan and Clara.

3:30 PM – We jump on a video chat with my mom and sister. Everyone has been cooped up at home, so it’s nice to talk to some other people. The kids love seeing them and usually run around crazily.

4:15 PM – I settle in to read more of my Oh Crap! book while the kids watch Bolt.

5:00 PM – I’m making Chili Macaroni tonight per a request from Clara. She loves this stuff and if that means she’ll eat it I’m all in.

5:45 PM – After dinner we clean the night’s dishes. Ken starts the dishwasher and I sweep the floors. Anyone else’s kids create an inordinate amount of crumbs on the floor all the time??

6:15PM – Ken and I fold clothes for both kiddos and I put them away. Jonathan makes a huge mess in the living room out of the games in the cabinet. Ken and Clara pick them up while I put clothes away upstairs with Jonathan.

Jonathan refuses to go back downstairs, so Ken takes Clara up while I research some organization options.

7:15 PM – I put Jonathan to bed. Clara gets some tablet time and Ken gets some relaxation time.

7:30 PM – I head downstairs and Ken and I start watching “Saving Mr. Banks” on Netflix. We take a small break around 8, so Ken can put Clara to bed.

10:00 PM – The movie ends and was pretty good for anyone who hasn’t seen it. It was interesting to hear the back story on the author of Mary Poppins (P.L. Travers) if you’ve ever read the books or seen the 1694 movie. We are thoroughly exhausted and head up to bed.

Thanks for following along today! Next month Ken will be taking the reigns and showing his Day In the Life!