A recurring feature I’d like to start doing on this blog is a day in the life post. It’s something I will post probably about once a month just to give you all a glimpse into our daily life. I know a lot of people’s days vary and you might have an interest in taking a peek into ours! Take a look!

6 AM – My alarm goes off and I roll out of bed to get ready. Ken is out of town for work this morning, so I need to try and get ready before the kiddos get up. Clara only goes to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so she’ll be home with me and Jonathan all day.

6:45 AM – After I finish getting ready, I grab coffee from the kitchen and go to the office. Both kids are somehow still sleeping, so I use it to my advantage and do a little work on my computer.

7:15 AM – I run the garbage out to the curb and then go upstairs to get Jonathan from his crib. He’s awake and bouncing in there like the energizer bunny. He gets lotioned up for his eczema and then changed into his clothes for the day. We also have to gather all his friends from his crib and take them downstairs.

7:30 AM – Downstairs for breakfast with Jonathan and Clara finally wakes up. Jonathan gets a banana and Life cereal for breakfast – he also chooses raisins. Clara chooses a bowl of Life.

8 AM – Clara decides to write her friend Cora a letter because she misses her. The kids play while I empty the dishwasher and generally clean the house.

10 AM – Clara goes to a story time at the local library on Tuesday mornings. It gives us all an excuse to get out of the house and she loves going for the stories and crafts. Jonathan likes to mostly play with the puzzles.

11:30 AM – Back home from the library just in time for lunch. Today it’s turkey hot dogs, and pears all around. Jonathan also gets a potato bun and soy milk. Clara also gets some Pringles and water. I finish up the leftover Chili Macaroni.

12:30 PM – I get Jonathan down for his nap and head downstairs for a quick workout – sprints. This is also Clara’s chance to get her tablet before her nap. She chooses to watch downstairs while I work out.

1:30 PM – Workout done, I send Clara to her room for some quiet time for reading and napping. I hit the shower and quickly get ready before Jonathan wakes up.

2:30 PM – Ready for the rest of the day, I head downstairs for a post workout snack. Today that includes some nut products. We usually don’t eat nuts – at all – in our house, but they are healthy and a great snack. They are stored up high and hidden so others can’t find them. When I do have them I eat them almost shamefully over the sink. I eat them quickly and when I’m done I wash my hands/mouth and wipe down every surrounding surface. I head out to get the mail and bring in the trash bin since I hear Jonathan starting to make noise.

2:45 PM – I go to Jonathan’s room and he screeches as soon as I open the door. When I’m changing his diaper, Clara wakes up and comes in.

3:00 PM – We head downstairs for a snack. For Jonathan this means an apple, applesauce and veggie chips. For Clara its veggie chips.

3:15 PM – We video chat with Ken to say hi as he sits in the Dallas airport waiting for his flight home. The kids are excited to see him, but don’t always sit still long enough to really video chat.

3:30 PM – We go to the living room to watch a movie we got from the library – The Berenstain Bears and finish our snacks. I also try to get Jonathan to play with blocks. All he does is dump them on the ground and walk away. I also try to cancel an old appliance pick-up scheduled for tomorrow. While I’m doing this Jonathan takes markers and colors on the kitchen tile – in green.

5:00 PM – I get dinner started for the kiddos. Tonight it’s veggie pasta they can both enjoy. Jonathan demands some of his food early (corn and peaches) and then manages to dump them on the floor. He eventually eats his pasta with vegan butter and what’s left of his peaches. Clara has pasta with butter and parmesan cheese and a banana. Since Ken is going to be home later tonight, I’ll wait to eat with him.

We’re currently all transitioning to this vegan butter by Earth Balance that Jonathan can have. It’s one less thing to worry about for us and he thinks he’s having butter. They also have a stick version I’ve had success with in various baking recipes.

6:00 PM – We head upstairs to give Jonathan a bath. He loves to “play in water” and always runs up the stairs. He doesn’t love getting out, but he does love brushing his teeth which we do after his bath.

7:30 PM – Ken gets home and puts Jonathan to bed a little later than normal. I figured they would both be excited to see each other and they were. I give Clara a shower when Ken is putting Jonathan to sleep.

8:00 PM – Ken and I eat a later than normal dinner. We eat leftover crockpot chicken gyros which are still amazing.

8:30 PM – We turn on the TV and relax before going to bed.

9:30 PM – We’re old and head upstairs to go to bed. Thanks for following along for our “A Day in the Life” this month!!