A couple weeks ago we finally make homemade pizza as a family – a version that everyone could enjoy! We typically buy Daiya Dairy-Free Cheese Lover’s Frozen Pizza for Jonathan as a pizza alternative when we get delivery, etc. However, with being at home so much over the last couple of weeks we decided it was time to make homemade pizza from scratch. We have the time, so now is the perfect time to give it a shot.

We used a super easy pizza dough recipe and made three separate pies. One for Ken and I, one for Clara and one for Jonathan. We split the kid’s pizza into two since Jonathan would be having his own special cheese, but honestly what kid doesn’t want his or her own individual pizza??

Jonathan is not allergic to wheat, so we used regular all-purpose flour. However, I assume if you need to be gluten free you could try gluten free flour or whatever flour you normally use. If you use another kind of flour, post it in the comments below so others can see what works! We used this vegan mozzarella cheese from GO VEGGIE for Jonathan’s pizza. It doesn’t always seem to melt like regular cheese, but it’s not bad. I’m just thankful to find a cheese alternative for Jonathan. Most alternatives include coconut – to which he is allergic. Waawaaa.

We made the pizza dough recipe above twice. One for our own pie and the second to be split between the kids. The dough was super easy to make and we liked how it tasted when finished. I think we’ll definitely be using this recipe again in the future.

Jonathan was very interested in making the dough and the pizza. I’ve noticed recently he wants to be more involved when we’re cooking, so it’s nice when we are making something safe for him. He can actually help instead of being ushered out of the kitchen.

We had a great time making our own homemade pizza and I definitely see us doing it again sometime soon!!

Measuring flour
Mixing the dough
Dough done and ready to rise
Shaping the dough
Jonathan is VERY interested
Clara making her pizza
Clara’s pizza
Jonathan’s finished pizza – he wanted to eat it before I could get a picture!
Our finished pizza
I think he likes it!