Halloween – the time of year when all kids can think about is what costume to pick and how much candy they are going to get trick-or treating.

As I mentioned in my last post on the Teal Pumpkin Project, we’ve decided to go with nothing but candy that is safe for Jonathan this year. This way we don’t have to worry about accidental ingestion or telling him no. It’s more fair this way and no reason why we can’t be inclusive (as much as I love a good Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup).

So what candy candy did we pick? Lots of hard candy – suckers, Skittles, etc. and lots of gummy candy – gummy bears, Swedish Fish, etc. There are some allergy friendly candy makers that will ship to you, but honestly I don’t have it together enough to order Halloween candy in advance. Also, we inevitability eat some, or I panic and decide I need more. To do so last minute, I need to be able to run to Target or a local store and buy more candy.

I will add a major disclaimer before I show you our candy stash for this year. ALWAYS make sure you check the candy to make sure it’s safe for your family. Sometimes full size and fun size candies are made in different facilities. A full size candy may be safe, while a fun size version is not. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

I always stand in the aisle to check the candy ingredients and I’m sure people think I’m a health nut or just crazy. “Yes lady, there’s tons of sugar in there. I’m not sure why you’re reading the label so intently.” – Is what I’m sure they’re thinking. 😁 Anyway, here is what we’ve picked this year.

Do you have any other allergy friendly candy options that you always use? Comment below or send us a shoutout on Instagram @ourfamilyhomelife!