Earlier this week I went to a nearby Plum Market to pick-up one of Jonathan’s required food challenge foods (Coconut flour). I took the opportunity to also look around for other, new foods he might be able to eat.

While in the baking aisle, Jonathan was trying to grab every baking mix in sight. We settled on this Chocolate Doughnut mix and a Brownie mix I’ll post details about soon. I don’t know if he prefers chocolate or if that’s just me. HA!

The Chocolate Donut Mix is by Stonewall Kitchen and was $9.99. Very expensive for a baking mix in my opinion, but most food allergy families are used to paying more for safe foods. The mix just contains wheat – a safe allergen for us. With a little work I knew I could get the mix to work for Jonathan and still be delicious.

Chocolate Doughnut Mix by Stonewall Kitchen
Box includes the doughnut mix and a chocolate glaze mix.
Ingredient label
Baking directions and ingredients needed

Here are the substitutions I made:

  • 1 large egg ➡ 1/4c. applesauce
  • 1/2 cup buttermilk ➡ 1/2 cup soy milk and 1/2 tsp. white vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp. unsalted butter ➡ 2 Tbsp. vegan butter (Earth Balance sticks)
  • 2-3 Tbsp. milk ➡ 2-3 Tbsp. soy milk

Super easy changes that I don’t think had an impact on the final doughnut’s quality or deliciousness. That’s exactly what these doughnuts are – DELICIOUS. They are very rich and chocolately – almost like a cupcake. I’m not complaining, but they might be a little much for a breakfast item. As a fun snack or dessert they are perfect.

Plain doughnuts before the chocolate glaze
Finished doughnuts. Looking festive with orange sprinkles.